
Creating a Mismatched Wedding Party Look

The wedding world is always evolving, and couples are seeking ways to infuse their personalities into every aspect of their special day. One trend that has gained major popularity in recent years is mismatched wedding party looks. This departure from the conventional uniform look allows each member of the wedding party to express their style while still staying true to the overall aesthetic of the event. In this blog, we will explore the art of creating mismatched wedding party attire and share some advice for creating a cohesive look.

As a first step, you will want to establish a colour palette or single colour to work with. Typically, a mismatched look will involve one colour varying in different tones or prints. With the goal being to create a mismatched look, it is essential to establish some guidelines to ensure that the overall aesthetic is cohesive.

Now you can begin to think about different fabrics that you love and textures that catch your eye. Whether that is a luscious velvet or elegant satin. Once you begin experimenting with different fabrics and textures you add depth and more visual interest to your wedding party’s overall look. If you love the look of silk you may want to consider incorporating a solid silk gown for one bridesmaid, while the next bridesmaid would wear a printed silk gown. When you mix different textures you are adding a beautiful visual appeal, but you are also allowing each member of your wedding party to choose a look that they feel their best in.

Coordinate Colors, but Allow Variation. While mismatched looks allow for individual expression, it is still essential to pick colours that fall within the same family to avoid a disjointed look. A helpful tip is to pick a primary colour or colour family and allow for different variations within that spectrum. For example, if your wedding colour is blue, you could have your wedding party wearing shades of blue (dusty blue, powder blue, and pastel blue.

Set Guidelines, To ensure that the mismatched look remains intentional rather than all over the place, provide some guidelines for the wedding party attire. This could include specifying a certain dress style (for example formal, or semi-formal) or outlining certain style elements (for example shorter dresses, full-length dresses, or a combination of both). When you set clear guidelines you give your wedding party the ability to express their individuality while staying within your overall wedding colour palette.

Mismatched wedding party looks offer a creative and inclusive approach to outfitting your wedding party while being able to showcase the unique personalities of each member. Once you have decided on an underlying colour palette, different fabrics, or different textures you can create a stunning overall look that goes hand in hand with the other design elements that are a part of your day. Make sure to make this a fun experience for all involved, and celebrate everyone’s fashion!

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